Roasted Birdseye Maple 4A

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Roasted Birdseye Maple 4A


This wood has been Roasted, "Cooked" or "Baked" using a special heat treatment process also called "Reactive Drying”

The Process:

It's applied to kiln dried or air dried lumber. The wood is heated to 185C or 365F for the roasting stage, in a custom designed kiln capable of withstanding the high heat and fumes released during heat treatment. Only heat and dry steam are used during the roasting process making it a safe and chemical free treatment. Why steam? It protects the wood during the roasting stage by “blanketing” and at the same time eliminating the risk of fire or explosion (very important). The final stage of the process involves drawing a partial vacuum and introducing wet steam to re-humidify the blanks for better work-ability. The entire process takes approximately 60 hours. The resulting wood is conditioned to 4-6% relative humidity!


It makes the wood considerably more stable and resistant to moister fluctuations keeping your neck blanks straight for years to come. It also increases the hardness of the wood while decreasing its weight. The figure enhancement is a plus and the resulting warm colour transformation depends on the roasting temp.


30” × 4” × 1”

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